The Hungry Caterpillar Animation. The very hungry caterpillar is a 1969 children's picture book designed, illustrated, and written by american children's author and illustrator eric carle. In the internationally acclaimed the very hungry caterpillar, a tiny caterpillar eats and eats…and eats his way.
The very hungry caterpillar is about a young caterpillar who eats his way through this fun way, learning about foods, counting, and days of the week. Author and illustrator eric carle’s beloved story the very hungry caterpillar springs to life in this delightful collection of animated tales.
The Classic Tale, Which Turned 50 In June.
The very hungry caterpillar and other stories:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle
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With Brian Cummings, Linda Gary, Jonathan Benair, Rob Gibbs.
Images References
In The Internationally Acclaimed The Very Hungry.
Stories on video by parent.
608K Views 3 Years Ago #Animation #Caterpillar #Beautiful_Butterfly.
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